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Quadratus Lumborum, known as QL, is the deepest abdominal muscle. It is situated on each side of the lumbar spine in the lower back. It begins at the bottom of your ribcage and extends to the top of your pelvis. The QL muscle is a key piece of the core.

De Quervain tenosynovitis, also called gamer's thumb or mother's thumb, is a painful disorder that affects the tendons on the thumb side of the wrist. Tendons attach muscles to bones. A membrane-like structure called a tendon sheath surrounds the tendon, allowing the tendon to move freely inside of it. In De Quervain tenosynovitis, the sheaths

Sometimes called subacromial impingement sometimes called shoulder impingement or rotator cuff impingement refers to the painful shoulder especially when the person lifts his arm to the front or the side. This term usually came from the belief that the subacromial space, was narrowing and pinching the rotator cuff, leading to pain and dysfunction. However, the latest studies have

Scoliosis is a general term that describes changes in the shape and position of the spine, thorax, and trunk, it’s a three-dimensional deformity of the spine. So instead of the spine appearing straight, it might look more like an “S” or “C” shape. This three-dimensional definition is given secondary to the fact that the vertebrae, the individual

Back pain, discomfort, or sometimes debilitating suffering associated with an injury or some other affliction of the back, the posterior (rear) portion of the body that extends from the shoulders to the hips. Back pain is a ubiquitous complaint and a leading cause of disability worldwide. It can result from injury, activity, and some medical conditions. Back pain can affect people of any age, for

Shin splints occur when the muscles and bones in the lower part of the leg pull and tug at their insertion on the shin bone (the tibia) and it becomes inflamed (irritated and swollen) and painful. Athletes often have shin pain because they put repeated stress on the shin bone, muscles, and connective tissues. Doctors