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The human body is a complex network of muscles, tendons, and ligaments working together to support movement and maintain posture. Among these crucial structures is the sternocleidomastoid muscle, often abbreviated as SCM. This bilateral muscle, located in the neck, plays a pivotal role in various head and neck movements. However, when the sternocleidomastoid muscle becomes

The term "herniated disc" often evokes fear and images of invasive surgeries. However, advancements in medical understanding and treatment approaches have transformed the landscape, making a herniated disc a manageable condition in many cases.

Flat feet, scientifically termed "pes planus", is a widespread condition characterized by the collapse of the arches, resulting in the entire sole making contact with the ground. While some individuals with flat feet may not experience immediate discomfort, others may face a myriad of challenges that can significantly impact their overall well-being.

Hip impingement, an abnormal contact between the femur and the hip socket disrupts this intricate harmony, resulting in discomfort, stiffness, and a reduction in the overall range of motion. This condition underscores the importance of unraveling the complexities of hip anatomy to comprehend the intricacies of hip impingement fully.