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Lymphatic drainage

What is the lymphatic system?

The lymphatic system aids in protecting us from illness and infection. The lymph fluid travels through lymph nodes. The lymph nodes are connected by lymph veins. Your body contains nodes all throughout it. Nodes serve as a filter. They either collect or eliminate anything toxic that the body does not require

What and how the lymphatic system works | Macmillan Cancer Support

How does it function?

The lymphatic system, which consists of lymphatic tubes and lymph nodes, is made up of lymph fluid, or lymph. Normally, lymph is collected by the lymphatic system and circulated back to the heart. Lymph accumulates in the arms and legs and causes swelling when the lymphatic system is compromised. This condition is known as lymphedema, according to healthcare experts.

What is lymphatic drainage and how can it help?

Lymphatic massage, often known as manual lymphatic drainage, is a soft and gentle technique. It is done all over the body to encourage lymphatic fluid movement, or anywhere there is edema on the body.

It can aid in the treatment of lymphedema (lymph builds up in your arms and legs causing swelling). The goal of lymphatic massage is to increase lymph fluid movement, which should decrease edema. The massage method redirects lymph flow to transport the fluid in the right direction.

Who can benefit from lymphatic drainage?

Following breast cancer surgery, lymphedema is frequently reduced with lymphatic drainage massages. Massages for lymphatic drainage are also beneficial for the following conditions:

  • Sports injuries: Dislocations, fractures, orthopedic injuries, tendonitis, and torn muscles.
  • Surgery: Breast cancer, joint replacement, C-section.
  • Burns and leg ulcers.

 Who shouldn’t do lymphatic drainage?

Although it’s a safe technique, it is suggested not to pursue lymphatic drainage in some conditions:

  • Heart condition.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Blood clots.
  • Infection.